


高中毕业后, 大多数人会问你的第一个问题是, “你下一步打算做什么??'

A  共同的期望 is to attend a university to earn a four-year degree or begin taking classes at a local community college. 但这些并不是唯一的选择.

If you aren't ready to commit to four years at a traditional institution, or if you're looking for a more h和s-on experience in a specific field, 职业学校可能是你的正确选择.


  1. 它可以花更少的时间来完成.

Typically, when you think of a university, you think four-year degree. 当你想到社区大学时,你想到的是两年制学位. 但情况并非总是如此. 根据 a report from the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center在美国,攻读副学士学位的平均时间为3年.3 years, 和 the average time enrolled for a bachelor's degree was 5.1年.  Many tech school programs can be completed in under two years 和 some can even be completed in under a year. 1

  1. They can be less expensive 和 get you into the workforce faster. 2

普通大学不仅学费昂贵, but think of all the time you're spending in the classroom instead of in the work field. 因为人们通常花更多的时间在大学里, 他们最终可能会在学费上花更多的钱. 考虑到 学生贷款债务现在是一场危机 在美国.S.,找到一种成本更低的方式来获得学位可能会有所帮助. With a trade school, you could spend less money 和 get into the workforce faster. 1

  1. 它们给你提供了更多的便利.

技术学校不断开设新课程, 你可以早点开始,而不是被学期所束缚. +, many programs combine online learning with practical labs to make studying even more convenient.

  1. You can get traditional classroom learning 和 h和s-on experience.

Tech schools combine textbook learning with practical skills to help students become well-rounded. The h和s-on experience students can receive during their program 和 through externships can make them more valuable to future employers. 2

  1. 他们可以加入当地的社区和行业.

许多职业学校都与当地社区有联系. 在PG电子平台,这是PG电子游戏非营利使命的一部分. Our cosmetology 和 dental hygiene programs regularly provide free or discounted services to members of the communities they serve. We also look for experiences for our students, such as tours of local employment partners. We care about the places our students 和 staff members live 和 work, PG电子游戏想要培养这些联系.

  1. 他们提供了准备认证的机会.

Tech schools help students prepare for valuable certifications that can help them st和 out to future employers. For instance, HVAC technicians might work toward the EPA Universal Certification.

A career training program at a technical school could be just what you need to begin a long 和 fruitful career.

Remington College has been helping prepare students for success in trade school careers for over 20 years. 这所非营利性大学是由 职业院校认证委员会(PG电子游戏) 和 offers a wide variety of trade school degrees ranging in fields from healthcare to business to culinary. 在美国有14家分店.S. 和 a prominent online program, Remington College is available to you. 要了解更多关于PG电子游戏提供的职业培训计划,请访问 http://vgkb.helznguyen.com 或拨打1-800-208-1950.

1 Program completion times may vary based on individual performance/circumstances. 个别结果可能有所不同.

2 学生或毕业生的就业并不能得到保证.
